Below is a red bud bush/tree in front of my house that normally has pink blossoms in the spring, but is now shooting up a white-blossomed branch, a little hard to see in this photo, very mysterious.
Here below is my
grandniece Samantha, recently arrived from California to study ballet here at the Kirov
school, quite an honor.
Events surrounding her arrival have delayed
posting of this blog.
Whew!! Trump military parade has been “postponed” (indefinitely?) thank goodness! What a waste it
would be, what an egregious, vulgar anti-American display of militarism! Such a
parade would have brought out a righteous avalanche of counter-protesters.
And if mainstream
news reporting is so “fake,” let Donald show us just what exactly is fake about
it. Name calling alone doesn’t disqualify information. Trump thinks he is still
on his TV show The Apprentice where he could make outrageous statements and fire people at will. Let’s
fire the guy himself ASAP before he does even more damage, then let the pundits
and historians mull over all that went wrong. How to gauge how much of his
errors and boorish behavior are Trump’s own fault? That’s always a question in
judging anyone’s actions. The Donald may have been raised by flawed parents,
may have had access to too much money too young, or may have dementia. So send
him out to pasture to play golf and make angry speeches to his adoring
followers to his heart’s content. Just stop mucking up the rest of the country
and the world.
The latest version
of the Trump administration’s “alternative facts” has been Giuliani’s “Truth isn’t truth.”
Now we have another unflattering, but credible, book
about the Trump administration, but one read only by those who already agree
with its finding, while hardcore Trump supporters will echo his own dismissal
of it as “fake.” Stormy Daniels is also
throwing her own Trump memoir into the ring—why not rake in a few dollars while
she can? Every president has detractors, but I don’t recall so many “anti”
books and articles being written about another president so early on. And if the
anonymous op-ed in the New York Times,
reportedly written by someone in his inner circle, is just more “fake news,” why is Trump getting so riled up about it? Trump’s saving grace is the
good economy and job numbers, mostly not attributable to him, but very lucky,
just as his election was a lucky fluke. The huge deficit and service cuts are
worrisome but they have given the
economy a short-term boost. If Hillary had been president, we wouldn’t have had
the tax cuts, but she would be given credit for a good economy. And while I and
many others would support the Dreamers and the expansion of legal immigration, of
course there must be limits as no country or otherwise defined territory can
just open its doors to all comers. But we don’t need to slam the door shut
either, as seems to be happening now.
Another mass shooting, about which we are becoming blasé. Anyone who has
a grievance, real or imagined, just takes a gun and shoots people and if our
turn comes, that’s fate? Is that what the Founding Fathers envisioned in their
statement that a “well-regulated militia” has the right to carry arms?
Individual gun rights only appeared in our own lifetime.
Mr. Trump is tone-deaf on ethnicity, imagining that
all African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians actually know each other. And he
recently introduced a Hispanic ICE agent by saying that he “speaks perfect
English,” which is more than you can say of the Donald. As for NAFTA, if
Mexicans (and Canadians) have good jobs in their home countries, they are less
likely try to come to the US, And Trump, the big champion of the American flag,
in a coloring session with school kids, colored the flag with one red stripe
and one blue one, something captured on-camera. Since when did our flag have a
blue stripe?
We should be worrying now about the joint
Russian/Chinese military exercises, but nary an official word is being said.
The guy complains
about the “national disgrace” of the Mueller investigation, when the national
disgrace is actually himself as our president. And he demonstrated his sympathy
toward Nixon by referring to John Dean as a “rat,” saying that he hopes his own White
House Counsel McGahn is not of the same
ilk. He loudly declared on Fox that he would pardon Manafort to make sure the guy got that
message but now it looks like Manafort may have “flipped.” Trump has also been warning that his own impeachment
would tank the economy. If any news outlet reports verbatim what Trump says and
mentions the negative fallout from his remarks, he calls that “fake news” and
“bias.” Is no one allowed to comment on the comments of the commander-in-chief
unless they are actually praising him? Is criticism just the “deep state”
attacking him? Republican incumbents, especially those running for reelection
dare not alienate Trump loyalists, so they are in a bind trying to counter
Trump on any ussie, even when their constituents are negatively affected—i.e.
by tariffs.
and Miller are relentless, Trump backs them up, but on his own, he doesn't really
know how to attack immigration. He doesn’t have strategies or plans of any
kind, just slogans and impulses. His staff has to pick up the pieces. I’m not surprised
that Trump and Sessions are feuding—a pox on them both! What a relief it will
be for most Americans when Trump is out of office! We are all wasting time and
effort on these senseless, spurious fights. I hope to live to see the day when
he is gone, sooner rather than later. DC’s lack of Congressional voting rights
hurts more than ever now.
new ways the Trump administration is undermining immigration court independence | The Hill
How Trump is cracking down on legal immigrants – and how they
are fighting back | US news | The Guardian
Yes, deported Hondurans (see link) really cannot go
home again. Theoretically, they could start over in a completely new locale,
but that takes resources and contacts they don’t have. Also, it’s a small
country geographically and population-wise, so news travels. I’m a known person
in much of the country. And I don’t feel safe either, but take as many
precautions as possible and don’t reveal there that I am gringa unless I have to.
Trump does seem to have sucked all the
oxygen out of the Republican Party,
requiring most incumbents or candidates to support him or quit. Republicans
running for reelection dare not alienate Trump’s base by criticizing him.
However, any hopes of his learning on the job have been dashed, as while Trump
has learned a few superficial things, like how to read from a teleprompter, his
learning curve is mostly on a downward trajectory.
Meanwhile, young insurgents seem to
have thrived in the Democratic Party,
which is one reason I think we need new faces in the 2020 race, especially as
presidential contenders.
Preliminary 2020 matchups of
Trump against possible rivals shows old favorites Biden and Sanders doing best,
though, of course, Hillary Clinton also did well against Trump in 2016 polls
and bested him by 3 million votes, so it’s not only a matter of the sheer
number of votes under the outdated Electoral College system, but how they are
distributed. While I would certainly vote for either Sanders or Biden if either
were running against Trump (or Pence), I would prefer to see some new faces,
even though currently they don’t have much traction. Democrats have 2 years to
get into gear for the presidential race. Not that John McCain had control over
the timing of his death, but now the Republican governor ph Arixona unfortunately
had a chance to pick his successor.
Writing in the NYTimes, opinion writer Timothy Egan opines
that Trump is eroding his own hardcore base not only by eviscerating Obamacare
and imposing damaging tariffs, but by disrespecting them, as when he called AG
Sessions a “dumb Southerner.” Let’s hope he continues to insult them.
If I were Mueller, which
obviously I’m not, I would wait until after the mid-terms when there might be a
better political climate for “Lock him up!”
While I oppose Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh primarily on grounds other than abortion (though
who knows his views on any issue as he has been very coy?), I don’t think
sending thousands of coat hangers to female Senators is going to influence their
vote. “Morning after” pills or self-administered early abortifacients, as well
as more contraceptive use, mean there will never be a return to coat hangers
and even fewer trips to abortion clinics. Even if Roe is overturned, early
abortions will be self-administered and beyond the reach of any court—or so I
would predict.
I’ve had a number of recent
requests for help from families or friends of Cuban asylum seekers. Welcome to the club! Like everyone else, they will need to find pro bono
layers to help them. I may be able back up their cases in general terms in
court, but rarely would have information about a specific case in my Amnesty
International role. (
Recent news reports have pointed to a
possible Russian connection
regarding the sonic attacks against
US (and Canadian) Embassy staff in Havana, leading to reduction and shift of
many embassy functions.
Here are some additional Amnesty International items about Cuba and other topics:
Cuba Frees Leading Dissident Charged With Attempted Murder
Cuban Dissident Says He's Been
Released, Still Faces Charges