Monday, July 22, 2019

Baby It’s Been Hot, Lunar Landing, No Statehood, Socialism, Racism, Planned Parenthood

Apologies last time for words extending out of line; I tried to correct those flukes without success. Also, I don’t know what the last item on that last posting means. I did not put it there and was unable to eradicate it.

Yes, I have been sitting in front of fans with a wet wash cloth on my head as my central A/C is not working. I am used to 100 F temperatures in southern Honduras, but there it is dry hear and here in DC it’s 100 F and humid! Below is a headline from the Washington Post (July 16) showing that our recent heat wave here in DC was not just a figment of our imagination, it has been real and is still continuing. Earth just had its hottest June on record, on track for warmest July  

With the lunar landing anniversary in the news, I am taken back to that time, when as a young mother of 2 small kids who had just moved to my current home in Washington, DC. I looked out at the moon, hoping to see a dot signaling the lunar landing, but, of course, it was too small and too far away.

Sorry to hear that polls show that most Americans do not support statehood for DC, even though we have more population than Vermont and Wyoming. Why not?  Do they even understand the issue? Many friends in other states are surprised to learn that we are disenfranchised in DC.

Anything to make a dime, Trump campaign begins selling plastic straws, found to me harmful to sea turtles and other sea creatures, contending that “liberal” paper straws are no good.

Meanwhile, Trump operatives have come up with a clever strategy that he didn’t come up on his own, which involves moving federal agencies from DC to Midwest Trump strongholds

Just because Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro calls himself “socialist” is no reason for a socialist-leaning former president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, now U.N. high commissioner for human rights, to give him a pass. And she did not.

The “socialism” that Trump accuses Democratic lawmakers of fomenting is nothing like governance in Stalin’s USSR or in present-day Venezuela or Cuba, or even in China and Vietnam. Rather, it is more akin to that of Canada, France, and the UK, with national health services, and of the Nordic countries, with special provisions for parents, children, the disabled, and older people. Taxes there may be higher, but so are benefits, which are provided more equitably and economically than in our own country. The word socialism should not be used as a political boogeyman. Sen. Graham, who has become a lock-step Trump advocate has even equated socialism with communism. (Does Trump have some secret information about Graham that could harm his reelection chances?) Graham does deserve credit for calling out Trump for blatantly racist comments about several Democratic Congresswomen. Maybe he will have more influence on Trump by usually being such a slavish apologist? A president shouldn’t have to rely on “minders” to keep him in line, like some great big baby. Wash his mouth out with soap! And I like a new chant being taken up by Democrats, “Send him back!” (Presumably, send Trump back into retirement and to his residence in NYC, a city where he is mostly reviled.)

The worst if it is that most Republican voters support Trump, whatever he says or does, so Republican lawmakers don’t dare criticize him. It’s a cult that would drink the Kool-Aid if Trump ordered it. They want people like the 4 targeted Congresswomen to leave the country and they love it that the president gives license and voice to their most racist and base desires.  Trump is every-man or woman as president. Trump wants to make sure they turn out to vote for him.

Although there are too many Democratic wannabes, all of them are giving voice to important issues.  

I suspect that physician, Dr. Leana Wen, was removed as head of Planned Parenthood as she was trying to take a broader public health stance in which abortion was just one option among a range of services, including contraception, STD treatment and prevention, and cancer screenings, among others. The board may have wanted a more militant pro-abortion focus, emphasizing a “right” now under attack. I believe that the American public, while a slight majority supports abortion in the first trimester, is more nuanced in its beliefs and Wen’s tactic would have garnered more support for all the services of Planned Parenthood. But evidently the board preferred a more confrontational and focused approach.

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