Sunday, March 11, 2012

Honduras Photos, Feb. 2012, #5, San Felipe Hospital, Teguc

San Felipe Hospital, in front of the blind school, is a venerable place with labrynthian hallways and old women always mopping floors. In this set of images, you see a double clubfoot patient with an infection in one foot, tended by his father. Also, my friends in the occupational therapy department where I have made past equipment donations of items perfectly useful, but discarded in this country after a single use. The little boy with his mother had his right hand chopped off by a vengeful older step-brother and is now trying to learn to use his non-dominant left hand. The typical fatalism of Hondurans has a positive side when such a tragedy occurs, as they tend to accept it as something that simply happened and not to brood about it.

Last time, in #4, as I had feared, I posted one photo twice, but viewers can live with that. It's hard to go back and correct and I do want to finish with the entire blog posting today.

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